Monday, February 16, 2009

King of the Ridge 2009

Rather then try and do a ton of laps this year like I have the previous 4 years I decided to try and do as many real ridge laps as possible this year. For those who are familiar with the ridge I did 11 laps from north to south: Hidden, Bomb-box, Kniels, Stupor, Kookoos, Patrolmans, Sluicebox (the normal fast run), the run just south of sluicebox who's name escapes me, Super via the tight chute above, Colters and finally Saddle peak. I was almost as beat as I would have been doing pure quantity, and had a lot more fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn Parker, and I was just going to invite you to go snowboarding in Spo-compton, but how does one snowboard without legs? Trav wants to take a trip that way. Interested?