Tuesday, January 8, 2008


uploaded more (and some of the same) photos.

Sunrise over a still ocean

A keel billed toucan who learned to beg

Mangroves getting started on a forest

A Belize dog, smaller than is standard.


Ian said...

That looks kinda like my dog. Did you enjoy the spiny lobster?

jesse parker said...

that toucan looks hungry

you should of fed it fruit loops

Unknown said...

I enjoyed the spiny lobster for the first 9 hours after I ate it. That dog has a 2" leather collar, probably for fleas. He wasn't quite your standard Belize dog, which I don't seem to have any pictures off.

We fed the toucan a piece of banana that was too big and he spent a couple of minutes trying to swallow it whole before mashing it in his beak.

Anonymous said...

Those disturbances on the water in the mangrove picture are bonefish, Alba vulpes, the ghost of the flats.