Friday, February 15, 2008

Massive weirdness

Oh, there's the Tobacco Root mountains, off in the distance. . .

And then I looked closely. . .

They aren't actually giant, 11,000 foot mesas. It was what's known as a superior mirage, as opposed to the inferior ones you see on the ground. It was really, really, exceptionally strange. There was no shimmering, and it looked like this the whole 15 minutes or so we were up on top of the Bridgers looking at them.


Rob & Sarah said...

That's a really cool picture. I've seen one of these mirages when I was out on the water off the coast of Alaska. Everyone was asking "what's that giant cliff-faced island over there?"

Unknown said...

yeah, apparently it happens a lot on the water. It said most sunsets are actually superior mirages over the ocean.

Anonymous said...

You guys come up with the wierdest things. Hey, I'm going snowboarding next weekend.

Katie said...

Do you know about Outside Bozeman's Photo Contest? You should submit something. I think the website says you have to submit by April 31st, but you can read about it here:

gregb406 said...

Katie's right. You could do it easy. Or are ya holding out for a better deal?

Unknown said...

don't worry, I'm entering it.